Stand Grammar School Class Photo - Ragdale 1974

Posted on Sun 01 Sep 1974 00:00

Stand Grammar School

Ragdale First Year Class Photo 1974

Back Row

Mark Phillips, Simon, Carter, Andy Glentworth, Steve Harwood, Mark Wolstenholme, Daz Lloyd, Paul Craig, Chris Mills, Simon Tushingham, Dez Wright, Sean O'Hanlon, Martin Bailey, Darren Fretwell, Pete Geelan, Martin Wroe, Chris Ondaatje, Andrew Morris.

Front Row

Carl Taylor, Greg Entwistle, Andrew Williams, Paul Berry, Howard Crompton, Snail O'Neill, Philip Hargreaves (Haggis), John Devine, John Langton, Timothy Capelli, Steve Brooks, Simon White.

If anyone recognises themselves or anyone else please send me a message and I will update the page.

Thanks to Howard Crompton, Chris Mills and Simon Tushingham for a big help in filling in all the names, obviously they have a better memory than I have some things never change.

Feel free to drop me a line.

Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor
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