My Blog Items

Meanderings of an inquesitive mind ...


    Tracking Numbers launches Beta Test of FREE TRIAL service

    Posted on Mon 16 Apr 2012

    Following the success of our Tracking Numbers  service my company has just launched a BETA test of a Free Trial version of the service so that all business owners can find out how useful it can be to measure the return on investment or the effectiveness of their marketing activity. Find out more at... Read More


    Digital Entrepreneur Awards Video

    Posted on Wed 19 Jan 2011

    UK Fast have just posted the Video of the Digital Entrepreneur Awards Event.  The interviews were made literally seconds after the award was presented and I was just so stunned I didn't know what to say! Read More


    Why did my Skype go down?

    Posted on Thu 23 Dec 2010

    Because Skype uses supernodes , which... Wait, superwhat now? Supernodes. When you connect to Skype, you're actually connecting to a supernode. Any Skype data passes through supernodes to get to the right place   So it's peer to peer then? Exactly. It works in a similar way to Bittorrent  ... Read More

    Salsa, Cha Cha and Waltz

    Posted on Fri 03 Dec 2010

    I had a brilliant time again last night.  For the first time in probably three years I managed to attend a Latin and Ballroom class with my dance teacher Heather Clavering.  It was Heather who managed to coax and cajole me into several dance routines and performances at her various shows (not that I made it that hard) but took a... Read More

    Digital Entrepreneur Employer of the Year 2010

    Posted on Thu 02 Dec 2010

    What a brilliant evening it was in the end. Although we only had a relatively short journey to get to the Palace Hotel, we were travelling against a forecast of heavy snow and some people were warning me that we might not get back home!  Luckily I love driving in the snow and wild horses were not going to stop me from getting to the... Read More

    Digital Entrepreneur Awards 2010 - Finalist

    Posted on Mon 29 Nov 2010

    I find it interesting how things come about.  I have always tended to sit back and let things happen rather than to be involved in the happening. The Digital Entrepreneur Awards though are something that has worked out a bit differently.  Normally I would sit back and let things pass me by.  But in this case I decided to... Read More

    Is video on your website worth the effort?

    Posted on Tue 28 Sep 2010

    The answer is most resoundingly - YES IT IS! Earlier this year I worked with students from Chester University to create a series of Videos to explain what my company does and to demonstrate who our products work.  The effort was well worth while.  The pages that we placed our video on were on the front page of Google within... Read More

    What is Social Media all About?

    Posted on Mon 20 Sep 2010

    Since the early days of the Internet companies have been exploring how they can promote their businesses.  It took a long time to catch on and is only truly becoming an absolute necessity for companies to have a web presence in the last few years.  The first place that people look to check up on a company is their website these... Read More

    How to write a CV Tutorial Sessions at Bury College

    Posted on Mon 03 May 2010

    Whilst talking with the staff at the Open Evening we attended in January a topic of conversation was the very varied CVs that we received from job applicants at my company.  This lead eventually to me offering to provide a practical tutorial session for the students who were due to leave in Summer 2010 regarding what I look for in a job... Read More

    What advice would you give to a 13 year old?

    Posted on Sun 17 Jan 2010

    On Wednesday night I will be attending an open evening at our local college . The event is intended to provide advice and guidance to students currently in year 9 in the form of a careers evening. My company will be one of several representing the IT industry. Preparing for the meeting has made me think about the way that technology... Read More


    Linux Email Set up and run a small office email server

    Posted on Wed 13 Jul 2005

    Way back in 2005 I was involved with running email systems directly and was part of the team of professionals who put together this book.  A revised edition was published in November 2009 but I was not as involved with this edition as I am now more managerial than hands on. It was an interesting task working with the publishers... Read More


    Adepteo Home Page in April 2004

    Posted on Sun 04 Apr 2004

    I was particularly proud of the Animated gears in our logo at this time.  This was the second version of the banner and the movement was much smoother and hypnotic. The full front page looked like this and as you can see we were still focusing on providing E-Commerce and similar solutions. Read More


    I founded Adepteo to develop Content Managed Websites

    Posted on Thu 18 Oct 2001

    18th October 2001 saw the first registration of my domain name.  I was looking for a name that had some meaning, began with an A to be at the front of alphabetic listings and was available as a domain name.  The last part was a lot easier in 2001 than it is now, but it was still difficult then. I latched onto... Read More


    Domain was first registered

    Posted on Tue 14 Mar 2000

    On 14th March 2000 I registered which if I remember correctly is the first domain that I registered for me personally.  Unfortunately I do not have any copies of my website of that time or period as it appears that the first scan by the way back time machine was in 2004. Read More


    Houses 4 Sale way ahead of its time

    Posted on Mon 10 Mar 1997

    I had an idea that I wanted to pursue.  It had all come about because we were looking to move house and I thought that it would be good to be able to advertise your house on the Internet.  A pretty radical thing in 1997. Unfortunately I neither the resources or the time available to me with a young family and a demanding... Read More


    My first Usenet Map Entry

    Posted on Sat 16 Nov 1991

    Whilst working at Harris Adacom in the early part of 1991 I setup my first "internet" presence as part of the companies communications infrastructure.  It was a small Xenix based multi user server system and had a high powered and very expensive 14400 baud modem that used to dial up every night and transfer the daily updates... Read More

    Joining the world of usenet and my first posting

    Posted on Mon 11 Mar 1991

    Never forget that things have a habit of turning up again when you least expect them.  Nearly 20 years ago I made my first usenet posting to introduce my presence to the world, or more particularly the fact that our machine had joined the wonderful usenet community. I loved the great email  address that I had at the time... Read More


    Stand Grammar School Class Photo - Ragdale 1974

    Posted on Sun 01 Sep 1974

    Stand Grammar School Ragdale First Year Class Photo 1974 Back Row Mark Phillips, Simon, Carter, Andy Glentworth, Steve Harwood, Mark Wolstenholme, Daz Lloyd, Paul Craig, Chris Mills, Simon Tushingham, Dez Wright, Sean O'Hanlon, Martin Bailey, Darren Fretwell, Pete Geelan, Martin Wroe, Chris Ondaatje, Andrew Morris.... Read More

Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor
Phone: 0161 710 3001
Fax: 0161 710 3019