Digital Entrepreneur Awards 2010 - Finalist

Posted on Mon 29 Nov 2010 22:04

I find it interesting how things come about.  I have always tended to sit back and let things happen rather than to be involved in the happening. The Digital Entrepreneur Awards though are something that has worked out a bit differently.  Normally I would sit back and let things pass me by.  But in this case I decided to "give it a try" and see what happened.  I am more than pleased that I did.

In September I heard of the awards and decided to investigate them a bit more and as I found out more about them I decided to enter the awards.  We placed submissions into three categories at the almost 12th hour.  To be fair I did have about 60 seconds left before the deadline when I made the last submission.  From there I pretty much forgot all about it until I received an email on the 4th of November from the organisers.  It was only when I had read it for the third time that I realised it told me that we had reached the finals.  Being the sort of person to make sure of my facts I checked out the website and found that Adepteo was not mentioned but another company with a similar name was.  After contacting the organisers they came back to me a few hours later and confirmed that we were indeed the finalists and the website was wrong, and quickly corrected.

There we are now, a small company based in Bury right next to Ernst and Young Global both of us finalists for the title of Digital Employer of the Year 2010.  Not something that I would have expected and definitely something to be pleased about.

The finals are in a couple of days on Wednesday night and then we will find out if we have been good enough to become the outright winner of the category or not. We are all pretty excited and looking forward to the event.  Digging out DJs and getting ready for the evening.  Whatever the outcome it will be a good end to 2010 and give us a great start to 2011.

Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor
Phone: 0161 710 3001
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