Digital Entrepreneur Employer of the Year 2010

Posted on Thu 02 Dec 2010 02:30

What a brilliant evening it was in the end. Although we only had a relatively short journey to get to the Palace Hotel, we were travelling against a forecast of heavy snow and some people were warning me that we might not get back home!  Luckily I love driving in the snow and wild horses were not going to stop me from getting to the event.

James Timpson was the guest speaker and I liked a lot about his approach to managing his company and the colleagues that he works with.  His upside down management approach is similar to my own idea that I am there to support the team who are in turn there to support our customers.  During the meal I was sat with two lovely account managers from UK Fast and whilst the meal was lovely, my nerves were starting to take control.  Now I was so close I really didn't want to be disappointed but still thought I was not in with a chance at all.

Then the awards ceremony itself commenced and the first few categories were announced and the winners went up onto stage to accept their awards.  Finally nearly at the end of the ceremony our category was announced and I nearly fell of my chair with amasement when Adepteo was named as the winner.

I was so concerned with making sure that I didn't fall or trip whilst going up the steps to accept the award that I totally missed what was said about us and I am still waiting to find out all about it.  I will update this Blog when I know more.

After receiving the award I was whisked away to stand in front of a blaze of lights, a video camera and a large microphone and asked how I felt.  Absolutely brilliant was how I felt, but have no idea what I said at all.

2010 has really turned out to have a fantastic end to it for me and the company and my plans for 2011 are becoming even more ambitious.  The award is really appreciated and I am looking forward to next year.

Carl Taylor

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Carl Taylor
Phone: 0161 710 3001
Fax: 0161 710 3019